📌How To Know If Your Therapy Is Working 📌How Cold Weather Helps You Burn More Calories 📌Moms Who Regret Having Children Need Support Too 📌New Drugs Stops Deadliest Form of Skin Cancer 📌and More!
  1. 📌Obamacare repeal costs: 3 million jobs gone, $1.5 trillion in lost gross state product
  2. 📌The Complex Mess of Health Insurance
  3. 📌Federal government rejects doctors group’s call for a new national Centre for Disease Control
  4. 📌Would YOU trust it? NHS to diagnose patients via new smartphone app after criticisms of ‘inadequate’ 111 helpline
  5. 📌Not just healthy for student finances! How a humble serving of beans on toast can tackle the pain of gout
  6. 📌How to know if your therapy is working
  7. 📌Exactly how cold weather helps you burn more calories
  8. 📌Cancer death rates in US have fallen by 25 percent since 91
  9. 📌Now a Mobile App to Quit Smoking
  10. 📌Woman, 35, suffers severe kidney damage after ONE sip of a vodka tonic – and is STILL recovering 7 years later
  11. 📌Q&A: should I get the flu vaccine? Are there different strains?
  12. 📌Heartburn drugs may raise risk of stomach infections: study
  13. 📌Here’s How to Get Rid of Your Unnecessary Stress
  14. 📌Hospice care linked to higher family satisfaction
  15. 📌New drug ‘STOPS the deadliest form of skin cancer spreading’ – and could save thousands of lives
  16. 📌Giving your baby peanut foods could prevent allergies, says NIH
  17. 📌Adults’ Brains Are Built To Recognize Faces Better Than Kids’ Brains
  18. 📌How second-hand smoke will affect your baby BEFORE you get pregnant
  19. 📌Moms who regret having children need support too
  20. 📌Dr. Manny: Cyber warfare isn’t just a political issue; it’s a medical concern too