Former Republican President George. H.W. Bush Senior Is With Her: Hillary Rodham Clinton – Democratic Presidential Prospect

This is biggggggggggg.

With regard to this ratchet wretched political run, if you follow our sister site and our reports on Trump, then you know the Republican political party is in shambles.

Those shambles are shrapnel of dissension: in-fighting from some party members urging fellow republicans to throw support behind Trump. Other party members straddle the fence on whether their loyalty to the party means solidarity with Trump. The other half flat out chooses to be tardy tart-y for the party altogether.
jeb-bush-george-bush-trumpThe Bush’s are one such family who have been unapologetically anti-Trump. So much so that they elected not to attend the 2016 RNC.

All praises due all damning due to Donald Trump being officially on the ballot to run for president under the republican party’s ticket, former presidents George ‘Dubya’ Bush and his father George H.W. Bush did an about-face. George senior’s Floridian politician son Jeb did the same. Starting with all three electing to miss their first ever Republican National Convention in all 40+ years of being republicans.

Well less than 24 hours ago, George H.W. Bush sent shockwgeorge-bush-kennedy-townsendaves when the threw his support behind prospective democratic president Hillary Rodham Clinton.
No word yet if this will be a like-father-like sons situation where brothers Jeb and former president George “Dubya” Bush will follow in their dads footsteps. Either way, this was a bold and brazen move given that George H.W. Bush not only is a former (republican) president, but other than former president Ronald Reagan once being having been a  democrat turned republican, never in history has such a stark-raving