📌What Android v. iPhone Says About You 📌Why Fitness Is A Measure Best Benefit & Served At The Doctor’s Office 📌Why Men Wake Up With Erections 📌Gain Weight But Still Exercising? Here’s Why 📌and More!


  1. 📌Energize Yourself with This 30 Second Breathing Exercise
  2. 📌Poor diet blamed as scurvy reappears in Australia
  3. 📌Study: Aspartame May Cause Weight Gain
  4. 📌Moderate coffee consumption may offer protection against age-related cognitive decline
  5. 📌Denmark now has a second grocery store selling expired food
  6. 📌Probiotics: Health and Disease Prevention – What are the health benefits of probiotics?
  7. 📌Why Do I Gain Weight When I Exercise?
  8. 📌18-Minute Yoga Flow To Feel Strong and Refreshed
  9. 📌Why ‘fitness is something we should be measuring’ at the doctor’s office
  10. 📌iPhone or Android? What It Says About Your Personality
  11. 📌Behavioral Activation: the Depression Therapy You’ve Likely Never Heard Of
  12. 📌What You Should Know Before Dating Someone Way Older or Younger
  13. 📌Vestibular function declines starting at age 40
  14. 📌5 Rare Diseases You’ve Never Heard Of (Until Now)
  15. 📌This Gene Might Affect How Much You Like to Drink
  16. 📌Marijuana users ‘have abnormally low blood flow in every part of the brain’
  17. 📌Effects Of Smoking Marijuana On The Human Brain: Drug Reduces Blood Flow To Hippocampus, Increasing Alzheimer’s Disease Risk
  18. 📌’Hormonal link’ between brain and liver may offer new treatment for dealing with problem drinkers
  19. 📌Flu Shots Don’t Increase Autism Risk In Pregnancy
  20. 📌Health Check: Why Men Wake Up With Erections
  21. 📌Thousands ‘miss out on stroke treatment’
  22. 📌Here’s What Inverted Nipples Say About Your Health
  23. 📌IUD vs Pill: What Contraceptive Method is Best for Me?
  24. 📌Can a tiny net catch breast cancer cells before they spread?
  25. 📌Vanderbilt University expert Elizabeth Moore says first hour is key to breastfeeding baby
  26. 📌Expert reviews novel studies on impact of vaginal versus C-section delivery on infant health
  27. 📌Religious thoughts trigger brain’s reward systems
  28. 📌Researchers find new way to target deadly virus and develop vaccines
  29. 📌What to know about the future of Obamacare
  30. 📌Republican Governors Will Fight to Keep This Part of Obamacare
  31. 📌Spoon Theory: What It’s Like To Have A Chronic Illness
  32. 📌Elevated urate levels linked to musculo-skeletal pain
  33. 📌How that dreadful cold could actually be a SKIN INFECTION
  34. 📌100 Women 2016: Living with scars and life after self-harm
  35. 📌Obese patients and smokers face surgery delays in York
  36. 📌Here’s who might lose coverage in N.J. if Trump cuts Medicaid
  37. 📌Why bedtime is SO important: Study reveals the widespread damage a late night does to children’s brains
  38. 📌The decision a family can’t make
  39. 📌I Took Squat Breaks At Work Every Day For A Month, And Here’s What Happened
  40. 📌Most GP patients wrong on antibiotic use
  41. 📌MicroRNA may give clue to schizophrenia’s ‘voices’
  42. 📌I Think I Have a Mania or Obsessive Disorder. Should I See a Therapist? 
  43. 📌Woman, 21, who thought her neck ache was a result of sleeping in a funny position is left PARALYSED
  44. 📌Baby girl wakes from a coma after father fought French doctors’ attempts to switch off her life support
  45. 📌World’s oldest person Emma Morano celebrates 117th birthday 
  46. 📌Terminally Ill Man Takes On Marathon Towing Oxygen Tank