📌What’s The Difference Between a Stroke and Aneurysm? 📌Mixed Signals: How Will You ‘Know?’ 📌Are You An Introvert, Socially Anxious, or Shy 📌’Patient Zero’ Cleared By Science & The Truth About Where And How HIV Spread 📌How People Have Beat Drug Tests 📌The ‘Open Secret’ In Medicine: Racism – In Your Patients Mind’s Eye, Does Your Race Make Them Trust Or Distrust Your Expertise 📌Is The Stethoscope Just Doctor Jewelry Nowadays? 📌Clean Eating x 6 Warning Signs That Yours Is A Eating Disorder 📌and More!

Stroke vs. Aneurysm: What is the Difference?Stroke vs. Aneurysm: What is the Difference?

HSE audit finds lack of rehabilitation services for stroke patients

16 Ways to Increase Neuroplasticity (and Why That’s Important) | Mark’s Daily Apple

Doctors’ low morale ‘puts patients at risk’

California Focuses On Violence Against Health Care Workers

Are you an introvert, socially anxious or shy? How to tell


HIV Patient Zero cleared by science

No ‘patient zero’ in HIV epidemic, new research findsNo 'patient zero' in HIV epidemic, new research finds

New Study Shows HIV Epidemic Started Spreading in New York in 1970

Mythology of ‘Patient Zero’ and how AIDS virus traveled to the United States is all wrong

H.I.V. Arrived in the U.S. Long Before ‘Patient Zero’

'Patient Zero,' Gaetan Dugas, Exonerated By HIV Research : ShotsNew Genetic Evidence Reveals Gaétan Dugas Was Not “Patient Zero” For HIV In North America

‘Patient Zero,’ Gaetan Dugas, Exonerated By HIV Research

Health Law Tax Penalty? I’ll Take It, Millions Say

US liver donor marries woman whose life he saved

Strangers Fall In Love After Organ Donation

What The Real Witches Of America Eat

Toddlers ‘should get heart risk test’Toddlers 'should get heart risk test' - BBC News

Research shows potential way to counteract
glioblastoma growth by blocking PPARα receptor

This photo of shiny legs is an illusion, and we’re freaking outThis photo of shiny legs is an illusion, and we're freaking out


Auvi-Q Maker Says Epinephrine Injector Will Be Available In 2017Auvi-Q Maker Says Epinephrine Injector Will Be Available In 2017 : Shots

Auvi-Q re-enters US market in 2017, challenging EpiPen

EpiPen Competitor Auvi-Q To Return To Market, Promising Lower Costs For Patients

How to overcome air pollution during Diwali if you have asthma 

Do YOU have asthma? Scientists say a tropical parasite that causes stomach bugs could hold the cure

If Diamonds Are Forever, Your Data Could Be, Too

How People Beat Drug Tests: 3 Ways That Have Worked

National Science Test Scores Are Out, But What Do They Really Tell Us?

‘Black Mirror’: The psychology behind social media in episodes like ‘Nosedive’

📌Totally on my write-up “to-do” list to go on our sister site-about preconceived notions and the shock and awe that comes with having to thwart old ideas and suppositions about people and why and how it’s so hard to come to terms with and trust–)for people with preconceived notions, suppositions and old ideas): Racism in medicine: An ‘open secret’

Doctors Have Little Guidance On What To Do With Racist Patients

4 Things You’re Doing That Are Ruining Your Joints4 Things You're Doing That Are Ruining Your Joints

Pain is more than a physical process

As the stethoscope turns 200, is the iconic device becoming obsolete? …yeah.. just “Doctor Jewelry”…hand me an app. LoL

medineering launches research edition of its platform for surgical robots

Private hospital boom as patients flee NHS crisis

Cranberry extract disrupts spread of hard-to-treat bacteriaCranberry extract disrupts spread of hard-to-treat bacteria…something we ladies in tune with and constantly overseeing our bodies and urinary tract health, have always known.

Fighting Fit – The cardio benefits of the rowing machine   …tell me. Tell me. I love the rowing machine. You should see me at the gym on it…I feel totally athletic and fit when I’m using it…my face: a bit dramatic, at best. LoL.

10 Life Struggles Only a Bodybuilder Will Understand …LoL Surely the guy in the jeans has a mullett.10 Life Struggles Only a Bodybuilder Will Understand

Certified: November 2016Certified: November 2016

Runner Overcomes Seizures and Brain Surgery, Returns to New York City Marathon

Mosquito army released in Zika fight in Brazil & Colombia

Zika May Be In The U.S. To Stay …like, who really thought millions of airborne critters could be contained?

Mosquito army released in Zika fight in Brazil & Colombia

Ridiculous:  Los Angeles hosts first-ever wine and bug pairing

Could BUGS replace beef? Why crickets,
grasshoppers and worms ‘are a far better source of iron for human beings’

Perfumes for Women

The beauty of baking ‘volcano bread’ underground in Iceland

Clean Eating: Six warning signs that your health kick is an eating disorder

Study: Toss eggs onto salads to increase Vitamin E absorption

What Is Maca? – Nutrition

Could a SKIN PATCH cure peanut allergies?

Peanut patches can help kids with allergies eat more peanuts

Does this finally end the ‘breast is best’ debate?

Take a journey through a healing forest

Would You Buy a Genetically-Engineered Cashmere Sweater?

Is She Attracted To Me? Sexual Cues And Mixed Signals

Arousal exerts an unconscious influence on what we see

Will Your S.O.’s Relationship with His Mom Affect You? Ask Yourself These 3 Questions to Find Out
…I, for one, wouldn’t give a dude the time of day that wasn’t crazy about his mom.

FDA warns of dangers from testosterone supplements 

Statins offset insulin-related cancer risk in T2DM

High rate of antidepressant use after cancer

Does YOUR tattoo embarrass you? New technology removes body ink ‘without scarring’

Were YOU bullied as a child? Why the effects could last a lifetime

Survival after gunshot injuries predicted with new tool

Emily wanted to die when her son was taken. Nurses gave her a future

In Bioethics, Unlike Game of Thrones, Decapitation Doesn’t Always Mean Death

Children created with 3-way DNA more than 15 years ago are thriving


In entertainment news later today that ToriSpilling is spilling:

Watch Justin Timberlake Address His Voting Booth Selfie On ‘Fallon’  (more on this from our sis)