Scott Baio defends Donald Trump’s sexist comments: ‘Ladies, this is what guys talk about when you’re not around’  read here

…and he’s right. I totally get it, I really do. I’m all for role play and aggressive, impromptu play as foreplay so yes, my man/lover ‘grabbing my pussy’: sexually alluring-can get it-straight like that. 

But some pompous buzzard who only assumes he can because he’s a ‘star’ ‘grabbing my pussy’: sexual assault. He can only get: slapped—or his eyes gouged at bare minimum. Sorry buddy.

Moving on.

…Omarosa Nervosa:

(search ref: Christa Dubill)


Justice Ginsburg calls national anthem protest ‘dumb and disrespectful’  read here

Dear Justice Ginsburg: Is fleecing the fabric of America (taxes) yet running for President ‘dumb and disrespectful’ too? Are your remarks about the person or principle? Cuh…

Moving on.

Is Ralph Lauren Going to Be Hillary Clinton’s Dresser in Chief?  read here

That 2-minute clip when Hillary Clinton proved to the nation and to the world—she’s got this story here

A competent woman just debated a man who has no idea what he’s talking about  story here 

LoL at this headline and Shonda Rhimes’:

Translation: Never argue with fools, they’ll beat you with experience.

P.S It’s like I said, Every American ought to be able to sue this country for a pick at ONE thing in life and living we are/we not “qualified” for-and be able to get it as a reparation for this ridiculousness that we are having to put up with.

Moving on.

Buffett Calls Trump’s Bluff and Releases His Tax Data  story here

Warren Buffett to Trump: ‘I have paid federal income tax every year since 1944’  here

Buffett Just Released His Own Tax Data to Hammer Trump  here

Dan Rather: Trump does not understand what it means to be an American here

Paul Ryan Won’t Defend Donald Trump, Upsetting G.O.P. Hard-Liners  read here 

…I am not impressed with Paul Ryan not “defending“ Trump. How bout not “endorsing” Trump. That’s impressive—and intelligent.

Ryan all but concedes Clinton will be president  read here

Paul Ryan Sitting Among Undecided Voters At Town Hall Debate read here

…fence-straddling. Fence-straddling I say…


Clever Anti-Hillary Ad Slays by Making Viewers Think It’s Pro-Clinton read here

Deeps sighs. Breitbart hangs from Trumps nuts like a knot-ended stubborn ingrown hair

See what I mean?  

Frank Luntz: Tonight Was So Significant That Trump ‘Is Back in This Race’ story here

*Ellen Degeneres voice: Annnnnnnnnnnnnyway:

Poll: After Trump Tape Revelation, Clinton’s Lead Up to Double Digits  read 

7 times we were proud to say “I’m With Her” during the second presidential debate  story here

President Obama Tweets Praise For Hillary Clinton’s Debate Performance  read here

Hillary Clinton shows grace and poise in debate with Donald Trump  read here

Clinton Spokesman To Trump: ‘Go Fuck Yourself’  read here

Clinton’s Greatest Debate Accomplishment Was Ignoring Trump as He Lurked Behind Her   read here

Meet the dad who made Trump and Clinton play nice at the close of Sunday’s debate  read here

Federal judge extends voter registration deadline, rebukes state for ‘irrational’ decision  story here

Democrats seize the advantage in Florida registering new voters  story here 

George Takei mocks Trump for calling himself ‘blue collar’: Yeah, and I’m a ‘ladies man’ story here

Donald Trump Raises Stakes: Put Hillary in Jail  read here …Uhhh. What’s the penalty for cheating taxes?

Donald Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton is a threat to democracy  read here

Leaked emails show tension inside Clinton inner circle  here

chelsea-and-bill-clinton-credit-associated-press chelsea-and-bill-clinton-credit-associated-press2

VIDEO: CNN Caught Coaching Post-Debate Focus Group? here

CNN pushes back on Trump’s claim it ‘rigged’ focus group here

Email Leak: Martin O’Malley Tells John Podesta He’s Broke, Looking For Job  story here

Twitter Promotes Negative Results For Victim Of Rapist Hillary Defended story here

Trump pushes unscientific polls to prove he won debate  story here

Anderson Cooper Begins Debate By Giving Trump Opportunity To Explain What The Fuck Is Wrong With Him  story here

In St. Louis, Moderators Raddatz, Cooper Interrupt, Talk Over And Even Debate Trump  story here

TRUMP PUNKED THE PRESS: Told Reporters They Were Going to Pre-Debate Presser, Walked in on Clinton Rape Victims!  story here

Donald Trump Goes Low  story here

…too low. How Elementary did he come across bringing (no pun intended) old bones out the closet to suggest that his opponents husband (slash) former president (Bill Clinton)  raped women while he was ‘merely’ caught on tape objectifying women—then trying to loop it all together to make sense by claiming Hillary’s no champion of women because she berated the women HER HUSBAND was alleged to have had sexual relations with: NEWSFLASH: No politician behaves politically ‘correct’ and champions women who are alleged to have been connected to her man. GTFOH with a personal/domestic circumstance-and trying to make turn it into political character assassination.  Those women should have stayed home. From the comforts of their tweed couches, the media would have been JUST as interested in their ‘concerns’ and what, if anything, they had to say about Hillary. Donald and them all looked ridic for that move. I felt bad for them for even showing up trying to prove a point that got about 15 seconds shine or consideration.


Giuliani: Clinton Camp Called Debate Commission- Complained About Bill’s Accusers in Front Row! (VIDEO)  see here  

Hell. Somebody hadda do it. Save those women from themselves and from looking like puppets in front of the world…for the likes of Trump.

Moving on.

The first post-hot mic poll is out, and it suggests that Donald Trump is in deep, deep trouble  read here

Donald Trump confirmed our worst fears about the kind of president he would be  read here

Intentional or not, Melania Trump’s Gucci pussy-bow blouse made a statement at the debate  see here


Columbus Day changing to Indigenous Peoples Day  read story

Many teachers ‘working 60-hour week’ read 

Daughter spends last moments calling and texting dad for help  read here


NYC pharmacy pushes for gender equality by charging 7 percent ‘man tax’  read here

Four wounded in shootings Monday in Chicago  read here

Vermont Gov. Calls Crash that Killed 5 Teens ‘Senseless Tragedy,’ Orders Flags to Half-Staff  read here

Police Officer Who Saves Choking Baby Accepts Offer to Be Her Godfather  read here

Slain Palm Springs Officer Had Just Returned From Maternity Leave  read here


Colombia’s President Santos donates Nobel money to conflict victims  read here 

All Of America’s Science Nobel Prizes This Year Were Won By Immigrants  read here

An aging Disney World is fighting to stay relevant  read here

Trump Taj Mahal closes for good following bitter dispute with unions  read story here…so much for your Bugsy Siegel dreams, ‘star.’

Hurricane Matthew Unearths Civil War Era Cannonballs in South Carolina  here 

Houthi Rebels Fire 2 Missiles At Us Navy Destroyer In Red Sea  read here

Court Denies Tribe’s Appeal to Block Controversial Dakota Access Pipeline Court Denies Tribe’s Appeal to Block Controversial Dakota Access Pipeline

‘Creepy clown’ police warnings as craze spreads  read here 

So totally considered doing a write up on this because this needs to be looked into as little more serious and should carry swift, stiff action for cops who love to shoot their guns. Being masked and in a clown suit is a license to kill. People who dress in public as clowns elect to hide their identity and pretty much have a get away Michael Myers pass and access to snuff anyone’s life they please to with complete anonymity.

Black skin on? Shot.

Clown suit on? Shoot.

Period. Dot.

Michael Myers terrified since childhood. I kid you-not. Roll up on me with a clown suit and you’re not 3 feet tall, you and you red nose will be laid out the entire F/O. Don’t try your luck.

Moving on.

Couple celebrates 50th anniversary in same wedding clothes they wore in 1966  read story here

Discipline. I’d totally believe in their 50 year fidelity claim if they needed a witness.