When Your Friends Don’t Consider ‘No’ As a Full Sentence 📌Move Over ‘Ribbon in the Sky’ Navy Seals Got a ‘Penis in the Sky’ for you to Love 📌AC/DC Member Dead At 64 📌Ungrateful? Roy Moore’s Wife Wants Trump To Thank Them For Their Scandal Deflecting the Russia Investigation–Yet Didn’t Thank Trump for Staying Mum on Moore📌Home Help for Correcting Your Bunions 📌NFL’s Jameis Winston Investigated for Groping Uber Driver 📌What To Do w/Men Like Bill O’Neill Who Love To Brag About Their Sexual Exploits 📌Massive Fires: PA Senior Living Community & Manhattan Apartment 📌Why Trump’s Big Gaming Decision is Morally Wrong 📌Inside Serena Williams’ Nuptials 📌and More!





  • Dem candidate boasts of ‘hayloft’ romp, sex with 50 women in bid to preempt oppo …I said it in an excerpt of my (not yet published) book Feel Like a Lady Deal Like a Man-Tips & Secrets on Everything from: Self-Esteem, Friends, Love, Sex, and Men (a lot of excerpts can be found within these write-ups on our sister site)… I mention (in the RPC/reverse-psychology cheating section) that men loooooooooooove bragging (and even redemption and humble-bragging) about their sexual conquests. In that chapter, I am teaching women my RPC method of the psychology of reversing cheating. I teach them how to use this as fuel to allow their significant others to share (with them) these trysts (and thoughts). Why? Because the secret to keeping cheating alive (actual or emotional) lies in the secrecy of it. That’s key. But when the secret is out, it puts the fire and desire out of wanting the thrill and the thrill seeking of cheating. I explain how where women “romance” sexual and physical experiences, men ‘rogue’ it. And as per my RPC method (by which I am seeking to get implemented into couples therapy nationwide), if the couple is at a point in the relationship where they still half way like each other, and a woman [is strong enough to] grab hold of that thing men love to do (talk about their conquests)-cheating can easily be eliminated by making it not ‘fun’ and on fire anymore.

In the RPC excerpt, I explain that the act of cheating more of a knock-down, drag-out ordeal in the mind and heart of a woman yet, most often, it’s merely a conquest and sport for men. Cheating isn’t always a reason to break up. You just have to know what to do with it (before, during or after it happens). When a man feels like he has a bestie in his woman-far over watching sports but rather, kicking it with her about what happened, what almost happened and what he entertained the thought of happening-she wins…because the next time it almost happens (mind or in the flesh), he’s becomes more concerned with the fact that it could have (with satisfies his male ‘conquest’) but habitually becomes compelled to spill it (with his woman).

The space and opportunity to cheat presents itself in a mans life (and mind) far too often for the woman he is in a relationship with for her not to have a method for it. You’re not really your man’s “friend” until he can confess things to you that you aren’t ready to hear–like he does with his real friends. Kickin’ sports talk with him’s not enough. But if you keep him practice like what I share in the RPC chapter, you’ll really have a ‘friend’ in him–and salvage your relationship. Trust me, I didn’t write this book out of mid-air. I’m the keeper of many-a-souls and secrets and ‘keep’ men that are even kept anymore.

To know more about what my book is about read the intro here and see the table of contents here.

Enough about that, but speaking of which. Check this great site and articles about relationships that you might like. Here are a few article titles so as to give you an idea about the subject matter. You might like these:

  • Beautiful People vs Beautiful Relationships
  • Prizing Imperfections
  • What Men Secretly Want (presentation)
  • True confidence ?
  • Understanding Men
  • Dating for Keeps
  • Is He The One?
  • Stop Getting Hurt by Untrustworthy Men
  • Be irresistible – why men pull away

If you want to read those articles and more, go here

What Men Secretly Want








Roy Moore’s wife: He will not step down


  • Trump puts elephant trophy imports on hold  …as well he should have. Justttttttttttttttttttt when I post how badly I want to ‘meet an elephant’ unfortunately, I learn that they are ‘big business.’  This was such a half-cocked, yet meticulous (so we learned after pics of Trump Jr.’s hunting pics) barbaric ruling all in an effort of economic stimulus but at the expense of poor, helpless animals. So what’s next? It’s ok for the wealthy to exterminate the homeless and vagabonds? If you’ll agree to kill animals for profit or sport, that actually says what you will do to human beings (for profit or sport). It’s a ‘no’ for me, sir. If it is inhumane for humans to kill humans and keep trinkets of their victims as a sick, psychological “trophy” as well, it’s inhumane to kill animals trophy-tizing their heads, tails and tusks.Image result for trump hunting pics I mean, you have to have a threshold, some boundaries, some kind of LIMIT on what you WILL NOT DO for money. I trust NO one who will do anything and everything for money. And hunting animals (in their habitat) isn’t healthy. If in the beginning ‘God” created heavens and earth and gave winged birds wings to fly, sea creatures the sear to swim, land animals the space to land and human being dominion over animals, that don’t mean we are to travel to their respective places to kill them any more than they have to right to travel to our to kill us, guys. We’ll psychoanalyze people like Jeffrey Dahmer (who start off killing animals) and later, when they move to killing human beings, roll back the tape on their propensity to kill animals as an indicator of how it escalated to human beings. How is hunting the wild (on their turf) ‘sport’ and not considered ‘sick’ just the same? Is it because they are just animals creatures? Psychologically speaking, is that not letting off psychopathic, murderous tendencies in other ways? Do explain. Go swing a bat, run  the ball on a court or field against other human beings for sport. Killing is murder-human or animal, just the same.



NFL investigating groping allegation against Jameis Winston