Might Men Need Written Permission Along With A Prescription To Obtain VIAGRA?

Sometimes we all need saving from ourselves-especially in areas where our pleasure centers are met with pleasure: e.g., sex, drugs, alcohol, food, money etc.

Just like the saying that goes: “A fool and his money shall soon part.”

For a man (with a blue pill) he’ll definitely shoot [and] ‘dart.’

Societal pressures of being monetarily stable (“affluently” so) is one issue in and of itself that men face (with regard to gender “role” expectations of women and even the world around him).viagra-bill

If a man’s pockets are lined right, there aint too much you can do or say to him that’ll worry him or get him down (until the lights go out and he’s alone and in his bed deep in thought).

But when the morning comes, as long as men have that part of his gender role expectation secured; he’s up and back at’em-out there and ready for the world. Men quickly bounce back and come back to the light at sun up much better when they are financially stable.

As well, the next best thing (even for a man who is not financially stable, astute, or affluent) is to be able to perform in other areas-as (too-like having money) he has gender “role” expectations to fulfill there.

For a great majority of men, before the “blue pill,” that was a secret problem area (in fulfilling his gender role “expectation.”) But with the invention of the pill men (as said in slang) have “gotten their life” through this blue pill.

Although it’s not studied nor has anyone talked about it as much, but we attribute the invention of social media and this new technological/instant gratification world we live in as some of the underlying reasons why (many) men are disloyal and distracted. But this blue pill is doing wonders for men’s self-esteem and too, (by my definition) men’s