📌Updates 6/15-6/17 (EST afternoon): Bill Cosby on Trial – 80s Babies What Do You Feel? Others: What You Should Know if

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The Bill Cosby trial is underway (today) and expected to sit in on the proceedings (day of, and during) are his TV wife (“Claire“) Phylicia Rashad and TV daughter “Rudy” (Keshia Knight Pulliam).

Image result for phylicia rashad and keshia knight pulliamImage result for phylicia rashad and keshia knight pulliam

I must say, given the fact that our childhood’s are rooted in this man’s groundbreaking television show (which this trial doesn’t take away from being so), the fact of the matter is, (now that we are adults) it’s rather heartbreaking that we can’t be celebrating “Dr. Huxtable” -harassing him on social media and showering him with memories and our connection to him, the kids and the show.Image result for phylicia rashad and keshia knight pulliam

I can’t tell you how much that saddens me and I’m sure many 80s babies that grow up on The Cosby Show with me too, will agree.

It’s like a Joni Mitchell verse “they paved paradise and put up a parking lot.” It’s a little like that. I learned to be okay sharing Facebook friends and words with “Theo” and having remembered vicariously through that.


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Well for the record, our sister site wrote write ups on this intensively, but just so you know (in case you didn’t know), this particular trial is not about the countless other accusers but rather, he and Andrea Constand.

Andrea Constand alleges she was drugged and sexually assaulted by Bill Cosby, who claims it was a consensual make-out session. On June 5, Cosby is scheduled to appear in court to stand trial for aggravated indecent assault.


6.6.17 Update:


  • Bill Cosby’s TV Daughter Enters Court With Him on First Day of Trial


  • Bill Cosby Smiles and Gives a Thumbs Up as Someone Wishes Him Good Luck Leaving Court


6.7.17 Update:



6.8.17 Update:

6. 9-12. 17 Updates:

6.12.17 Update (evening):

Bill Cosby’s wife Camille arrives in court:


Bill Cosby trial in shadows:

6.13.17 Update


6.14.17 Update

Photo credit -MATT SLOCUM – AP
Bill Cosby gestures to a supporter as he arrives Wednesday at the Montgomery County Courthouse during his sexual assault trial in Norristown.


6.15-17.17 Updates

  • Allred to Cosby: Round two is coming



  • DA: We will retry Cosby case


  • Gloria Allred on Cosby mistrial: Justice will come



  • Mistrial in Cosby case





  • Bill Cosby trial: Jury deadlocked on verdict