[SPIEL] Snitching vs. “Race-Traitor” : Another One of ‘Many Sides’ and Racism’s Remedy


Given the fabric that this country was founded (and built) on, truthfully speaking, any and all non-black and white people are inherently “racist.” But what racism is-is ignorance based on baseless thought about a people demeaned to mean nothing worthy of being human-and thought of as nothing other than their labor for free. No matter what Third World country non-black or white people come from (even through to those in America), when that very frame of [written and recorded, less than respectable historical reference] is retained in your thoughts about a people, if you are lazy in thought processes and low-level, low-class stinkin’ thinking; you follow that train of thought without using your own (mind). But when you are intelligent, racism angers you. All white people in America (vibrating on higher-level thinking) KNOW that in America, they are superior supreme privileged by comparison to all non-whites (in America). But when you are white (and intelligent, with class and the capacity to use your own mind) and other white people are racist, it angers you that your own white people are [as] unintelligent enough not to use their own minds commensurate to the “supremacy” they feel they have over the very same people they deem inferior. And when you are white (and ignorant with low-class, low-level vibrating, primitive, thinking), that fight (to you) is simply: “race-traiting” because you are simple-minded.

Just like the passion of outspoken actor and reasonable, rebel-rouser Michael Rappaport, I know (personally) some white people that will be ready to square up with and go to war with you for calling them (or even thinking of them as) a “racist.” Because they know it’s the equivalent of calling them ignorant and trash-which it what [to be] racist is.

For Michael Rapaport, this Charlottesville scene was like life imitated art because he played a “dorm room dumb-fuck” himself. So he know’s how this thing goes down.

You see, having played a white supremacist new recruit “Remy” in John Singleton’s urban classic: ‘Higher Learning.’ Surely, the scene in Virginia was all too surreal surreel for words life:



Daily, if you stay tuned to ToriSpilling.com, then you know that a mere removal of a Robert E. Lee (confederate) statue [about as symbolically representative as a confederate Flag was up for grabs to be taken down just as sure as activist Bree Newsome climbed the pole at South Carolina’s state office], the fight to keep the statue from being removed yielded nothing remotely close to all that a white flag would represent.


The symbolism of waving a white flag of truce and peace was no where to be found ’round these Virginia parts. Emotion from both sides was on the rise. Arranged by right-wing blogger Jason Kessler, the scene became even more disruptive.

Killing 3 (including 1, Charlottesville native Heather Heyer)   Heather D. Heyer and injuring dozens, a 20 year-old man named James Alex Fields Jr. drove his late model Dodge Challenger into  the crowd of people challenging his groups protest [of the removal of the statue].

James Fields


A Carfax report returned the deets on the vehicle as having been registered in Ohio. The car was purchased in June 2015 from Kelly Toyota in Florence, Kentucky.

This mayhem riddled with White Nationalists, the KKK, alt-right wingers, neo-Nazis and counter-protesters, liberals and members of Black  Lives Matter, went on for hours and left 3 who will never return home, several others injured, poignant Twit pics, and no word as to whether the statue will come down or no.

Blogger and rally organizer Jason Kessler advocates and asserts that (for White Supremacists) the statue is to them as free speech is to Americans and as “other rights” [sic] are to other races.

Off the top of my head, and other than the Statue of Liberty, I can’t think of any other statues (or flags) of symbolism raised and praised for any particular race groups but I think its safe to say that free speech is free speech, and a  statue  is  a  statue  and well–a statue is a statue

Now play with that ↑ for a second….

If you are white and a (Robert E. Lee statue and a confederate flag) and a (past) history of white supremacy is all it takes to make you feel “supreme,” it’s (im)perfectly understandable that you would want to hang on to a statue or flag in remembrance of white supremacy. However, when a country has abolished a moment in time and drafted a constitution (statue) trumping all symbolic artifacts representative of that moment in time, that makes that need (of yours) personal (not patriotic). In that case, feel free to hang your confederate artifacts in, or around your personal property. But American monuments, and state buildings and such are public. And America has decided that “white” isn’t supreme. The red, (white) and blue (with the 50 start and 13 stripes) is supreme.

Another (one of “many sides) in this, I would be remised if I didn’t say this: As disappointing as this alt-right wrong is to me, while I am all for standing for something, I’m so over the poignant Twitter pics and 140-character quotes that unlike protests of eras long ago, (unfortunately nowadays) only trend and descend.

As much as I appreciate our world being put in our hands and faces and giving us a platform for our voice, social media has thee strangest obsession with pics and quotes over quests that extend beyond a descending Tweet and trending topic. It weirds me ‘TF’ out. It’s like a real-time camaraderie online that’s all reel but never real in time offline. We’ve got to stop letting it stop there and make the quest as necessary as the quote.

In the most southern-est twang I say: In these digital, social media times, these Twitter moments aint gon’ bit mo’ make no history books than the fact that traditional paperback books are replaced with e-readers and people too “busy” and distracted turned-Tweeters and readers.

In order to go toe-to-toe with these digital times, to get with the program; like I strongly believe you have to upgrade your dating strategy from analog expectations , the same it true when it comes to protesting AND PRO-PEOPLE.

Speaking of John Singleton. “Boys in the Hood” is to “snitchin’” what “race-traitor” is to other white people condoning, enabling and not standing against bigotry and white supremacy. Charlottesville, Virginia’s primitive form reasoning for racism (AND ACCORDING TO THE BELOW-POSTED VIDEO OF TRUMP’S METICULOUS WAY NOT DIRECTLY ADDRESSING THE ISSUE UNDER THE GUISE OF DENOUNCING IT) is why racism lives on-because for many years since slavery and into the Civil Rights era THROUGH TO OUR PRESIDENT’S “RESPONSE” TO IT ON 8.12.17, other white people won’t stand up to their own against it-so it’s blossomed even into 2017 and the hate cultivates the soil and seeds to grow.

Considering the fact that despite the (necessary) fight of Black Lives Matter, additionally it’s very humbling to witness a great majority of this crowd in Virginia being of the same race of the racist, alt-right ignorant yet, fighting against the ignorance of wishing to preserve memories symbolic of a time that oppressed a people with hard-core hate racism. Amen to that and those sensible, white people that the world NEEDS to see fighting the good fight and truly feeling our plight.

Robert E. Lee Charlottesville, Robert E. Lee Charlottesville statue, Unite the Right protest cause



Racism and “white supremacy” are about complete, and utter ignorance and lazy, trash thinking. It is to not have the ability or capacity to think of a people past a moment in time that made one “superior” over other human beings. It is the inability to accept that moment in time as now being unacceptable by way of a country that abolished and wrote it in as being so. If you don’t like what your country did: move.


Even if blacks went ‘back to Africa’ or Jews back to Germany sans Holocaust, what’s etched in the American constitution still won’t change. Loathe it or hate it, certain provisions (and Affirmative Actions) where reparations weren’t granted will still be necessary in order to be able to get traction where 400+ set a race of people back.

Stop your whining and let it sink it [that] your way was paved off the backs, the pain and the belittling of a people treated less than for decades and centuries and eras and lifetimes who STILL face blatant to ‘by design’ (systematic to institutional) racism today. Oh my.



Equally, some part of me feels that is just (the opposite) of what the (liberal) counter-protesters should have done: stayed put.

Technology and real-time enables us to keep it real by keeping it reel.

Some part of me feels that this was one such protest that could have been best served by simply watching these alt-right, neo-Nazi, white supremacist, hate groups from the comfort (and safety) of home. Twitter’s Jack could have very well put the spotlight on (what should have been) their lonely little rally with no fire to fight but their own.



Oh how stupid they would have felt to be rallying around a statue like kicking and screaming children in the middle of a store while the mother watches until the child calms down. The pleasure of watching alt-right looking up and down the street from left to right for a fight, to no one-would have been quite a delight.


Stop blaming “many sides” and for once and for all, own this big, primitive, catalyst and excuse of justifying racism lopside why don’t you?

We often talk about the “resistance” and “the power of social media.” You can’t reason with crazy. And you can’t bring peace and love to embedded, inherit and insistent hate. The best of one of ‘many sides’ [would have been] was best served a boycott as the best, possible peaceful protest against this caliber of (in)human beings.

Well Virginia, should have personified that “resistance” in every pull and stretch of the word. Given technology (today) unlike eras ions ago; we have to learn to choose our battles just as sure as we tweet and battle.


If we would have allowed our resistance to be the protest it would have looked like this: Our elbows to the desk and hands holding up our faces with keyboard in our hands-having one big, liberal, Twitter-party. From a safe distance, we would been laughing at ignorance and hate looking around for the fight they already suspected was coming…and lives lost would be home tonight.

Fast forward though, I wake and turn the page of peril this Sunday morning after, I have to admit: Such a “easy” thing I thought just last night wouldn’t be so easy-like Sunday morning any more than last night was hard.

On the (other) “many sides” of that: I wake now knowing seeing that had we done that, the necessary conversations about race (on Twitter and these Sunday morning political programs) may not have been had (to this capacity).

But on the (OTHER) “many sides” of THAT: The question still remains: After the Twitter rhetoric and Sunday morning tv spiels descend, what happens, what’s next?

I’ve got the remedy and I will tell you.

Continue to “race-trait.”  It means more coming from white people than only received as “whining” to the deaf ears that talks of racism has fallen on from black people–that by contrast, this primitive reasoning for “white supremacy” needs to quit whining altogether.

So, again, I say (so you don’t forget):

Racism and “white supremacy” are about complete, and utter ignorance and lazy, trash thinking. It is to not have the ability and capacity to think of a people past a moment in time that made one “superior” over other human beings. It is the inability to accept that moment in time as now being unacceptable by way of a country that abolished and wrote it in as being so. If you don’t like what your country did: move. Even if blacks went ‘back to Africa’ or Jews back to Germany sans Holocaust, what’s etched in the American constitution still won’t change. Loathe it or hate it, certain provisions (and Affirmative Actions) where reparations weren’t granted will still be necessary in order to be able to get traction where 400+ set a race of people back.

Oh my.
Stop your whining and let it sink it [that] your way was paved off the backs, the pain and the belittling of a people treated less than for decades and centuries and eras and lifetimes who STILL face blatant to ‘by design’ (systematic to institutional) racism today.

It’s weird how descendants of racism fought for (400+years ago through to the 60s Civil Rights era) and continue to fight against it (in 2017) want that pain to stand down and descend. Yet, the descendants of the people who caused the pain, insist that the acts and symbolism representative of those times. somehow have a “right” to stand erect and ascend. That is so ALTogether, alt-WRONG-not to mention, cowardly and a poor excuse to feel “powerful.” Since when has disempowering and bullying a people or person been “powerful?”

Again, I say:

If you are white and a (Robert E. Lee statue and a confederate flag) and a (past) history of white supremacy is all it takes to make you feel “supreme,” it’s (im)perfectly understandable that you would want to hang on to a statue or flag in remembrance of white supremacy. However, when a country has abolished a moment in time and drafted a constitution trumping all symbolic artifacts representative of that moment in time, that makes that need (of yours) personal (not patriotic). In that case, feel free to hang your confederate artifacts in, or around your personal property. But American monuments, and state buildings and such are public. And America’s final answer is that “white” (supremacy) isn’t supreme. The red, (white) and blue (with the 50 start and 13 stripes) is supreme.

And, again, I say:

“Snitchin’” is to blacks IN THE HOOD what “race-traitor” is whites WITH hoods: Other white people condoning, enabling and not standing against bigotry and white supremacy. Charlottesville, Virginia’s primitive form reasoning for racism is why racism lives on-because for many years since slavery and into the Civil Rights era (through to our president’s wet-noodle “response” to it 8.12.17), other white people won’t stand up to their own against it-so racism blossomed even into 2017 and the hate cultivates the soil and seeds to grow yet, the pungent flower still stinks.

The remedy, again, I say, is this other of ‘many sides’:

In order to go toe-to-toe with these digital times, to get with the program; I strongly believe you have to upgrade any strategy from analog life, living, and thought processes. And in order to do that, again, I MUST repeat, I MUST repeat:

Robert E. Lee Charlottesville, Robert E. Lee Charlottesville statue, Unite the Right protest cause
If you are white and a (Robert E. Lee statue and a confederate flag) and a (past) history of white supremacy is all it takes to make you feel “supreme,” it’s (im)perfectly understandable that you would want to hang on to a statue or flag in remembrance of white supremacy. However, when a country has abolished a moment in time and drafted a constitution trumping all symbolic artifacts representative of that moment in time, that makes that need (of yours) personal (not patriotic). In that case, feel free to hang your confederate artifacts in, or around your personal property. But American monuments, and state buildings and such are public. After all that’s been said and done, America has the final answer and decided that “white” supremacy isn’t supreme.
The red, (white) and blue (with the 50 start and 13 stripes) is supreme and in THIS America-the (other ‘many sides’) of this is that you MUST bow to THAT fact….

Keep resisting, keep persisting.


Keep resisting and keep persisting:

  • in the privacy of your homes and having those “uncomfortable” conversations 
  • during conversations with family and friends when snide, cruel, racist remarks arise
  • to your grandparents and great, great grandparents’ primitive ideas about a “people” and stigma of a place and tim
  • any all all places and settings in your personal lives off camera (and off Twitter)

IT’S: RACE-RELATING that help in making race-relations better and this world a better place.
Because JUST as sure as YOU insist on denouncing “stop snitchin’ in the hood, you MUST ALSO CONTINUE TO PERSIST on “race-traiting” to those IN hoods!
I believe that somewhere in there, we all will meet in the middle of that median and become ‘equals’ on this quest (over just quotes) of a means to an end of ignorance for once and for justice, and for all.



Michael Rappaport