Let’s face it, anything from the side aint usually good:

  • side-eyes
  • side-chicks
  • side-winders
  • sidelines (sitting’ on them or playa-hating from ’em)

But making sure you don’t miss what on the side lines of is always good for you 🙂

While’s news doesn’t descend into oblivion, some of our friend’s news does. And from the sidelines, looking like this:

…here’s a little bit of what you (may) have missed:

  • Prevent Hair Loss and Stimulate Natural Hair Restoration With Chinese Herbs — No More Baldness Drugs
  • Deepwater Horizon Gulf Oil Spill and the Corexit Oil Dispersant Health Problems Confirmed
  • Tony Pantalleresco: “The human race today is on the verge of extinction”
  • Same Gut Bacteria 
  • World First as Robot Dentist Performs Implant Surgery Without Human Assistance Using Teeth Made on 3D Printer
  • The Japanese Just Found a Sweet Solution to Sleep Loss
  • Just Boil 2 Ingredients and You Will Lose Belly Fat Quickly
  • Drink This Secret Fat Cutter Juice For Fast 
  • How rosemary essential oil can improve memory by 75 percent
  • Help your digestive system and prevent cancer with dietary nucleotides
  • Bill Gates Funding MIT Development of Micro Implants to Automatically Give Babies Vaccines
  • Air freshener gases causes car to explode
  • Those Posts I Meant to Write
  • How to Gain Right Weight during Pregnancy
  • Breaking: 12 Women File Class Action Against USDA And President Obama
  • [Reading List] Why Have Kids? by Jessica Valenti
  • Scorpius Story
  • Do We Have Secret Fat 
  • Air freshener gases causes car to explode
  • More Doctors and Scientists Now Agree: Depression Is a Physical Illness
  • Skin Patch Dissolves ‘Love Handles’ in Mice
  • Eating citrus fruits lowers risk of dementia by 23 percent, study finds
  • FDA approving cancer drugs without proof that 
  • How to Gain Right Weight during Pregnancy
  • Breaking: 12 Women File Class Action Against USDA And President Obama
  • [Reading List] Why Have Kids? by Jessica Valenti
  • Scorpius Story
  • Do We Have Secret Fat Envy?
  • Girl Model: Scouted
  • Take Care Of Your Eyes So Doctors Don’t Have To
  • 4 Sugar Alternatives That Won’t Poison You
  • How rosemary essential oil can improve memory by 75 percent
  • Invisible Plastic Nanoparticles Now Being Found In Drinking Water
  • Bill Gates Funding MIT 
  • No More Fear, No More Tears – How to break through abuse for women once and for all
  • Contraceptive Pills: The Ultimate Solution for Birth Control
  • [Inside the Pink Pyramid] Virginia In OtherWords
  • Pregnancy and Weight Gain
  • Look For The Helpers.

On your mobile, lock us in. Slowly scroll down through to the bottom repeatedly throughout the day so as to not miss essential news and information!

On your PC, check out those side and bottom lines to stay up on things!


Whether or ToriSpilling posts, you will always be kept abreast what’s going on in your world and even in your city’s state! + real time and breaking news along the bottom–and those side lines!