Fifty-One Year Old Texas Father & His 12 Year Old Son Among 84 Killed in BASTILLE DAY Nice, France Attack

Bastille Day festivities in Nice, France turned out to be anything but “nice.”

Bastille Day is traditionally a July 14, French national day commemorating the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789.

As history would have it, two days prior, another event in the French Revolution known as the Fete de la Federation celebrated uniting French people on July 14, 1790.

So July 14 every year, the French celebrate with a military parade air shows, communal meals, parties, dancing, and fireworks.

Nice attack

This year however, a 31 year-old loner from the city of Nice, but of Tunisian decent did the unthinkable and indecent: ascended into a crowd covering the streets of Nice-celebrating and caught off guard as they turned to a large, heavy duty delivery truck ploughing into men, women and children.

What people originally thought was an accident in which the truck unintentionally had ploughed into the crowd turned out of be intentional in the strongest sense of the word.

Not only was the driver armed with a gun, he also began to zig zag onto the Promenade des Anglais boardwalk into the crowds-making it known that he was trying to purposely run into as many as the 19-ton lorry could kill.

After injuring approximately 200, killing 84 (10 of those-children, 18 fighting for their lives), Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel’s act of terrorism ended with gunshots sprayed through the front windshield of his truck that ultimately ended this wild, vicious drive.

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